When I'm not in the streets, on a flight or by the pool. I'm on my sofa or in bed. I enjoy spending quality time with myself like no other. Yes, I have friends and we do things but there's nothing like that time to yourself. I grew up with a twin sister, two brothers and a younger sister who everyone thought was my twin. This brings us to a total of 5 kids and 2 parents in the home. We had a full house. I often compare what my life is like now versus 10 years ago. I was glued to my twin for years, we even shared a car in college and did so much together. At times, it's hard to accept the quiet space and sometimes it's so easy. I wouldn't change my environment right now because, at this age, I think I need this time.
Welcome to MY Space where you will sit on a gray sofa, sleep on white sheets and see some form of Beyoncé inspiration.
Welcome to MY Space
in Lifestyle