"Never Pump Gas Again" #GasNinjas

"Never Pump Gas Again" -Gas Ninjas

I attended a #StartUpGrind, powered by Google for Entrepreneurs in Miami (on a Tuesday) at we work; where Brandon Timinsky would talk about being a young entrepreneur, his obstacles dealing with freelancers and the Uber Pitch that sped up the launch of his start up Gas Ninjas. Simply put Gas Ninjas delivers gas to your vehicle within an hour or at night. It’s so easy. Currently it is only available in the Miami area.

At any rate, I was in Wynwood the following Saturday and I see a Gas Ninjas truck! I was too excited to tell my sisters about the truck and what not. I walked up to the vehicle and asked the driver, “Where’s Brandon?”, I wasn’t expecting a real answer but it was funny to see the Gas Ninja truck in Wynwood. Check them out & comment below if you could benefit from some gas delivery.